Sep 2, 2019
In today's episode of The Honest Liar, I speak about the
importance of recognizing your fears and pushing through them. My
greatest fears are my greatest opportunities.
After I became a father, I realized I was scared that I could not
protect my children. I decided to take boxing lessons in the
beginning of the year to overcome that fear. I started boxing to
find the fighter within me.
Boxing requires a lot of repetition, which is necessary in
overcoming your fears. Even this podcast scared me. But making and
keeping my commitment to do the reps continues to help minimize the
I have learned through experiences discussed on this podcast, fear
is the most powerful weapon I have. On the other side of fear is
expansion...The bigger the fear, the greater the expansion.
Productive Principles:
•Loving Myself
•Overcoming Fear
•Leading by Example
•Taking Initiative
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